Simplest, Cheapest, Fastest Way to Publish Your eBook

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You have just finished your masterpiece, anxious to share your ideas with the world. You’ve told friends, colleagues, and those you love, but you still have one last thing to cross off your to-do list, and it happens to be the most important aspect of authorship. What could this critical task be? Well, publishing your book of course!

Considering our independent publishing company  invests countless hours sorting through and researching the topic of publication and writing each week; we have concluded that the cheapest, easiest, and quickest way to get your e-publication into the hands of readers is through the services of Smashwords and KDP (kindle direct publishing) on Amazon.

1) Create Your Smashwords eBook Smashwords_Humantics

Creating a FREE account is easy with Smashwords. Just go to their webpage and click their “join for free” button. You’ll fill out general information and be on your way to publishing your book. If you run into any issues with the formatting of your book, they offer a FREE and simple to use formatting guide. Sometimes as authors, we don’t take into consideration the technicality of indention, illustrations, and other tricky formatting techniques, so this will definitely help.


  • FREE to publish!
  • You keep 90% and Smashwords keeps only 10% of sales, one of the lowest on the web
  • FREE formatting guide
  • FREE ISBN (typically they run $25 a piece)
  • Readers can download for Kindle, Apple/iPad and iBooks/Nook, and as a PDF
  • Receive your personal domain to promote (click here to see our eBook Humantics on Smashwords for a preview)

2) Create Your eBook on Amazon For a complete guide and answers to FAQ’s of publishing on Amazon, read our post “How to Publish an eBook with Amazon.”

So how much does this way of publishing your eBook cost you?

$0 for Smashwords

$0 for Amazon (which will distribute to Barnes and Noble eBooks for FREE in addition)



Not bad huh?!  If you’re looking for REAL success in the book world, you may want to consider investing more time and (unfortunately) money into your project. But by self-publishing on Amazon and Smashwords, you can take your book for a test drive on the road to sales. Remember, you’ll want to build up your social networks to promote your newly published eBook. Also, write up an e-mail and send to friends and family, asking for their help to forward on, in help with the “big push” of your book. Good luck, writer!

-Bethany and Buddy

Bethany Michaels     Bud Heath

Infographic: Turn Your Excuses into Uses

Excuses. We’ve all heard them before. Or maybe you’re the one uttering them to begin with!

Letting your excuses overshadow your usefulness is a crime. Reclaim your power now by following this simple infographic!

Created By: Bethany Michaels

Excerpt from our new book 30 Seconds to Health Wealth and Happiness.

New Wellness Book: The Quickest 30 Second Guide to reach Health Wealth & Happiness


         Buddy Heath                    &           Bethany Michaels

of Cat Fence-In Books™ Publishing have partnered together to release their highly anticipated self-wellness book 30 Seconds to Health Wealth and Happiness.

The book engages new ideas by offering quips and snips from their own experiences along with renowned fitness gurus, life coaches, and health connoisseurs around the globe.

Say goodbye to boring and aloha to a healthy new positive mindset (on a Hawaiian beach if you imagine!)

By offering easy to follow 30 second exercises, this short read is sure to ignite a fire in any fully committed participant.

Those who have read a preview of the book (close family and friends) have already seen results when applying the exercises to their life. In a recent review, Anthony DeLeon attests that when applying the Solution to a Problem Exercise he “woke up with a distinct answer. I asked to have a clear direction with an issue in my life and it really worked!”

With the release of 30 Seconds to Health Wealth and Happiness, Buddy and Bethany challenge readers to engage with an open mind and allow a new flow of positivity to transform their routine “blah” into renewed “awe.”

Thanks to the Glipho community:


Roger PlanesRachel MontensteinMaria Nichol and Kris Cannon, the book will feature their review of the exercises as a testimonial of its effectiveness.

*Watch for the release date, scheduled to hit ebook shelves in the end of November.*

Self Publishing Plan for Authors

Distractions are everywhere. Every day. We have our mind-set to complete a task, and then: the phone rings, we are bombarded by our own thoughts and lose focus, or something else pops up and provokes our attention to divert. There have been so many times during our own self publishing process when we’ve lost focus or have found ourselves at a dead-end with no compass. But even in those times of seemingly inescapable aimlessness, we have found our way back to clarity by creating and implementing a plan.

Instead of publishing your book first and then frantically running around trying to promote it like a chicken with his head cut off, you must take precautionary steps beforehand. (Believe us…we were that chicken after we published our first book Humantics.) You’ll be setting yourself up for a frenzied failure if you think that you can publish a book with no plan to spread the word.

There are several things you’ll want to assess to create your own plan:

1. WHO is my target audience?

We recommend you read the Marketing Persona post by the marketing company Plum11 to help you find your target audience.

Plum11: Marketing Personas


2. WHAT is my social media presence like?

If you’re asking, “what is social media?” then you really need to step your game up and leverage the free platforms that are available to you like Twitter, Facebook, and Pinterest to name a few. Also, connect with people you know on Linked In, join a writer/author group on the web to support each other and share stories.  Use the web to share short quotes, snippets, ideas, etc. from your book to engage your audience and invite them to read your book. The more active you are, the more connections you can make. We’ve met some wonderful people through Twitter/Facebook/Linked In who have reviewed our book and helped spread the word.


3. WHERE can you find me on the web?

One of the most disappointing things an author/self-publisher can do is fail to offer information on how you can contact them. People like transparency. People want to know the person behind the words. Include a professional picture in your author biography on Amazon like this:

Make sure that your profiles are updated on all your social networks with your picture. If you have a website or blog, make sure to include information about yourself, a picture and contact information.


4. WHEN is the BEST time to publish my book?

If you’re writing a book about gratitude and well-being, you may want to schedule your book to debut in early November and promote it as the “perfect Thanksgiving gift.” Or if you’re planning to publish a children’s book, think about launching in before Christmas and promote it as the “perfect stocking stuffer” to go along with your kid’s Kindle. You can use your book genre to determine when would be the best time to publish. For example, with our next book 30 Seconds to Health, Wealth and Happiness, we are planning to publish it just before the new year, when people have their mind-set on making new resolutions and shedding their old ways. 


5. WHY am I publishing this book?

Some authors and self publishers never really pinpoint WHY exactly they want to publish their book. Of course one reason may be to acquire revenue…and that’s a very good reason! When you have readable material, you will have much greater chances of making money off of your publication. But that can’t be the only reason you want to share your ideas with the world. Do you want to publish your book to help others with an ailment that you’ve overcome and seen success with? Do you want to publish your book to gain popularity and instant success? If so, you are probably in the wrong industry. Think about WHY you want to publish your book, then capitalize on that idea and use it to appeal to your readers, not to “sell” them something.


We hope you enjoyed this post! Comments are welcome. Meanwhile, connect with us here:

Get F(itness)’d!

Everybody likes to get F’d. Sometimes it’s painful, sometimes pleasurable…the end result should come to a climax in a feeling of exhaustion mixed with satisfaction and achievement. If your fitness routine is lacking some inspiration, you will really want to read our new book:

30 Seconds to Health, Wealth and Happiness

In the Health section of the book, we offer key ingredients to transform your fitness routine from bland to BAM! Renowned personal trainer Channell Holmgren offers some great tips on metabolism and eating patterns. As many people are under the wrong impression that eating more leads to greater weight gain, actually the opposite is true when you approach it the right way. Eating MORE frequently with LESS on your plate is a major instigator in weight loss!

We also offer 30 second exercises that have led to weight loss, muscle tone, and a better body.

To view these exercises and learn how you can spend just 30 seconds to gain health, wealth and happiness, watch for our release date…the book will be published very soon!

Connect with us now on Facebook or Twitter!